Defence Research and Development Organisation, DRDO will close down the apprentice recruitment process on May 17, 2021. Candidates who want to apply for the Apprentice posts can apply online through the official site of DRDO on drdo.gov.in. This recruitment drive will fill up 79 posts in the organization.
DRDO Apprentice Recruitment 2021: How to apply
• Visit the official site of the NAPS portal on apprenticeshipindia.org.
• Click on register link available on the right-hand side of the page.
• Fill in the details and register yourself.
• Upload the required documents or certificates on the portal.
• Once done, candidates will have to send the scanned copies of all the relevant documents/ certificates in a single PDF file through email to admintbrl@tbrl.drdo.in.
Candidates will be selected on the basis of merit. In case of a tie, the marks of the lower examination shall be considered as tie-breaker. The training details will be intimated to the shortlisted candidates through E-mail/ SMS/ Phone. The selected candidates will have to report at TBRL, Ramgarh Range.