Sunday 9 August 2015

MODI Central ASIA Visits PART 3

# Notes
Mr. Modi wants to expand economic cooperation and engagement between India and Uzbekistan, to make it easier for Indian businesses to function in that country and to improve transport links between the two.
India is keen for the value of imports from Uzbekistan, which are currently low, to increase. This is because it wants to import some of Uzbekistan’s uranium to help power 10 nuclear reactors eligible for imported fuel.
Mr. Modi said the contract to do so, which was signed in 2013 to supply 2,000 metric tons of uranium ore concentrate over five years, was yet to be implemented and that the two countries on Monday discussed ways to make it happen. He gave no further timeline.
*first visit to Central Asian countries, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on held talks with Uzbekistan President Islam Karimov on key bilateral and regional issues including the situation in Afghanistan as the two countries inked 3 pacts to boost cooperation between their foreign offices and in the field of culture and tourism.
1.Strengthening cooperation_strengthening ongoing cooperation in the areas of agriculture, information technology and energy.
2.cooperation on cyber-security_
The two countries noted the importance of promoting long-term, mutually beneficial partnerships among their business communities, companies and enterprises.
3.They called for partnership in creating favourable conditions for investment by Indian companies in Uzbekistan, including in the
framework of the Special Economic Zones
  • Navoi
  • Angren
  • Jizzakh
 They noted prospects for joint investment projects in sectors such as pharmaceuticals, light industry, IT and communications.
#MoUs signed
Two sides reaffirmed their interest in expanding and further strengthening long-term bilateral cooperation covering diverse sectors such as
  • Political ties
  • Security
  • Counter-terrorism
  • Trade and investment
  • Science and technology
  • Cultural linkages.
# Ashgabat Agreement
 The International North-South Transport Corridor is a ship, rail and road route for moving freight between India, Russia, Iran, Europe and Central Asia while the Ashgabat Agreement is a transit pact established in 2011 between Uzbekistan, Iran, Turkmenistan and Oman.
Monument of Independence and Humanism
Modi paying a visit to the Monument of Independence and Humanism and the Memorial of Late Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri.
*Key points __
  • Capital –Tashkent
  • Currency–Uzbekistani som
  • President –Islam Karimov
  • Prime minister–Shavkat Mirziyoyev
Narendra Modi who was here on his second leg of the visit to Central Asia
Eyeing to expand bilateral strategic partnership as well as expand its presence in Central Asia — part of Delhi’s extended neighbourhood
  • India and Kazakhstan on Wednesday inked a deal for a renewed long-term supply of natural uranium_
  • Kazakhstan, a leading uranium producer globally, will supply 5,000 tonnes of uranium to India during 2015-19, PM’s visit to Kazakhstan is expected to give a fillip to the civil nuclear deal signed in 2009.
  • Kazakhstan will emerge as the biggest source of uranium for India besides Canada and Australia. This is the second such agreement between Astana and Delhi since 2009. Kazakhstan’s uranium firm KazAtomProm supplied 600 MT
  • wide-ranging defence cooperation pact
  • railway cooperation agreement to boost connectivity to realise full economic potential.
  • Caspian Sea oil block drilling agreement, that India has 25 per cent stake in. India and Kazakhstan could also be finalising agreements on mining, mineral and oil and gas projects, which include iron ore, coal and potash exploration.
  • Capital –Astana
  • Currency–Kazakhstani tenge
  • President –Nursultan Nazarbayev
  • Prime minster -Karim Massimov
3 Russia–7th BRICS summit & SCO summit
Modi to attend BRICS and SCO summit in Ufa_
Attend 7th BRICS summit and Shanghai Cooperation Organization summits (SCO) in Ufa, Russia.
 A.Main agenda on 7th BRICS summit
Theme__    powerful factor for Global Development”
  • To enhance the economic cooperation.
  • To create a currency pool under Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) in order to reduce the monopoly of global transaction though western currencies.
  • CRA to handle all financial risk of the member countries.
  • Discussion on new development bank.(NDB)
  • Currency swap on member countries.
  • India plays as the most important country in BRICS
  • BRICS also has a very crucial role of maintaining world peace and security and ensuring leaving behind a better planet for the future generations.
MODIs 10 proposals in 7th BRICS summit
  1. BRICS Trade Fair
  2. BRICS Railway Research Center
  3. Cooperation Among Supreme Audit Institutions
  4. BRICS Digital Initiative
  5. BRICS Agricultural Research Center
  6. BRICS Forum of State/Local Governments
  7. Cooperation Among Cities in field of Urbanization
  8. BRICS Sports Council and Annual BRICS Sports Meet
  9. First Major Project of NDB (New Development Bank) to be in the field of Clean Energy
  10. BRICS Film Festival
B.Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit
Modi attended SCO __
6 nations (China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan) membered SCO summit, along with India and Pakistan . held on 9-10 July.
India’s membership along with Pakistan will be confirmed by next year as per the info given by Russia officials making SCO as 8-membered countries.
NEW permanent members__ INDIA & PAKISTAN *
Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
which was founded on 26 April 1996 in Shanghai by the leaders of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan.
Headquarters_ Beijing, China
Members_ China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, India
Observers_ Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran, Mongolia
  • The SCO is primarily focused on its member nations’ Central Asian security-related concerns.
  • It has been active in the area of social development of its member states.
  • It has increased activities in military cooperation, intelligence sharing, and counterterrorism.
  • The other areas where SCO is active are in economic and cultural operations.
 5_Takeaways from Modi and Sharif’s Meet in Ufa
1.Tackling Terrorism
The current national security advisors of the two nations, will meet to “discuss all issues connected to terrorism,” said the statement. It didn’t give a timeline for the meeting between India’s Ajit Doval and Pakistan’s Sartaj Aziz.
India has on several occasions blamed Pakistan for supporting terrorism, a claim Islamabad has repeatedly denied. Last year, after eight soldiers died in a militant attack on an Indian army camp in the northern state of Jammu and Kashmir, Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh blamed Islamabad for “sheltering” terrorists. “If Pakistan can’t stop these attacks, let it take India’s help,” he said.
2-Military Meeting
The two sides also said meetings will take place between the heads of India’s Border Security Force and the Pakistan Rangers, followed by discussions between the director generals of military operations from both countries. Mr. Singh said in a statement Friday that this would “help in stabilizing the situation” at the border between India and Pakistan.
The border has recently seen a spate of violence with cross-border firing from both sides, forcing thousands of local people from their homes.
3.Freeing Fishermen
A decision on the release of Indian and Pakistani fishermen in custody in both countries, along with the return of their boats, can be expected in 15 days, according to the statement. Pakistan’s foreign ministry said as of July 1 that there were 355 Indian fishermen in Pakistani jails and 27 Pakistani fishermen in Indian jails. The statement did not go as far as to say they would be released however.
4.Religious Tourism
The neighbors agreed to establish a “mechanism for facilitating religious tourism” between the two countries.
5.Mumbai Terror Attack
Six months after Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, the alleged mastermind of the devastating attack on Mumbai that killed 166 people in 2008, was freed from prison in Pakistan, the two sides announced a decision to “discuss ways and means to expedite the Mumbai case trial, including additional information like providing voice samples.” India alleges that the attackers were backed by Pakistan’s military and intelligence agencies—a charge that Pakistan denies.
KEY persons _

*Foreign secretary — S.jai shankar
*NSA — Ajit Doval
*Foreign secretary– Aizaz Chowdary
*NSA– Sartaj aziz
Note _
when the two rival nations put out a joint statement after their leaders held long-delayed talks in the Russian city of Ufa, some political commentators were caught by surprise.
Almost a year after his country called off talks with Pakistan, Mr. Modi accepted an invitation to visit Islamabad in 2016 for the upcoming Saarc summit.
4 Turkmenistan
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday pitched for early implementation of the $ 10 billion TAPI gas pipeline project during his talks with Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov as both countries inked seven pacts to ramp up engagement in key areas.
  • Including defence & tourism.
  • Cross-border threats of terrorism
  • Organised crime
  • Illegal drug-trafficking
  • Reaffirmed their commitment for a stable Afghanistan.
  • Land-sea route through Iran for the pipeline should be explored.
  • Enhancing connectivity– TAPI
  1. Terming TAPI (Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India) project as a significant initiative in relationship between the two countries.
  2. TAPI gas project is an over 1,800-km pipeline with design capacity to supply 3.2 billion cubic feet of natural gas per annum from Turkmenistan to Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.
  3. The pipeline is expected to be operational by 2018 and will carry gas from Turkmenistan’s Galkynysh field that holds gas reserves of 16 trillion cubic feet.
 #Joint statement
A joint statement called the TAPI project a “key pillar” of economic engagement between the two countries and said both the leaders recognised that its implementation would have a transformational impact on trade.
  • Capital–Ashgabat
  • Currency– Turkmenistan manat
  • President -Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow
5 Kyrgyzstan
Prime Minister Narendra Modi met Kyrgyzstani President Almazbek Atambayev in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan signed four agreements including one on bolstering defence cooperation and holding annual joint military exercises.
The agreements signed are
  • Agreement on Defence Cooperation_defence, security, military education and training, conduct of joint military exercises, exchange of experience and information, exchange of military instructors and observers etc
  • Memorandum of Mutual Understanding and Cooperation in the field of Elections_elections and referendums, modern systems and technologies, rights of elections process stakeholders as well as other issues of election administration.
  • MoU between Ministry of Economy of Kyrgyzstan and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)_fields of standardization, conformity assessment and sharing of expertise on mutual trade with the aim of exchanging necessary information and expertise between the two parties
  • Agreement on Cooperation in Culture _areas such as preservation of cultural heritage, organisation of folk arts, theatre, youth festivals and cooperation in of publishing and translation of literature, sports and physical culture, exchange of archival materials, history, geography
  • Capital –Bishkek
  • Currency– Kyrgyzstani som
  • President –Almazbek Atambayev
 6 Tajikistan
  • On the last leg of his eight-day six-nation tour, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today made a strong pitch for taking India’s ties with Tajikistan to newer heights in diverse areas.
  • India’s indication to join the Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan Trade and Transit Agreement as the fourth partner.
  • India joining the agreement “would allow the arrangement to contribute in a meaningful manner to the vision of wider regional economic integration.
  • Modi’s visit to Tajikistan would give an impetus to bilateral ties between New Delhi and Dushanbe.
  • During his five-day visit, the Tajikistan Foreign Minister is scheduled to hold talks with Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar and visit the Taj Mahal in Agra.
 KEY AREAS_ Trade , economic intergration
  • Capital –Dushanbe
  • Currency–Tajikistani somoni
  • president–Emomali Rahmon
  • primeminster –Kokhir Rasulzoda